Hello Honey Bunches
Happy Monday
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend
& it is also my hope that everyone
has the intent to make the most of this week
This morning I tumbled into a familiar
name & face
journalist, feminist, and political & social activist
Gloria Steinem
Most known as
"an outspoken champion of women's rights since the late 1960s".
It became evident to me that Miss. Steinem was one of my kind
when I'd read that upon entering college she chose to study
Government, which at the time was a non- traditional choice for women.
It's not that I'm interested in government, it's that I am a fan
of anyone who strays from the beaten path,
which at that time was to become a wife & mother
and take on whatever life it is that your husband finds interest in.
It was apparent that Gloria had plans, goals, & ideas
none of which involved becoming another pale tile on the wall of
'The American Dream"
One of her most quotable lines of that time was
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle"
and though I do loves me a good man I do understand why she had such definite
opinions about the matter, being that she was living in a time
where women's only option, hope, & life
revolved around the opposite sex
Anyway it seems Gloria,
The Glamorous Feminist,
has a list of
Top 10 Fearbuster's
and that is the very thing I'd come across this morning.
Naturally I deemed it more then worthy
and practically necessary
to be shared here in
The Clubhouse
Check it out below & take as much from it as you can
Gloria Steinem’s List of Top 10 Fearbusters
10. Reverse the golden rule. For women, treat ourselves as well as we treat others.
9. Fear is a sign of growth. If you are afraid, it means you are stretching and doing something you haven’t done before. (This is in regard to endeavors, not people)
8. Anger is an energy cell, it is precious.
7. We (women) need to make sure we are using our own unique talents, and not imitating others’ talents.
6. Measure yourself by the real, not by the ideal.
5. Look for allies everywhere. Do not be bound by conventional hierarchies.
4. What is viewed as a disability – being “feminine” – has enormous advantages within it.
3. Just about everyone can learn to change, even us and even them.
2. Ask for help. Surround yourself with people who make you feel smart, not dumb.
1. Remember that our humanity, our equality, our self-determination is the key to everything.